Every year we have Mercury Retrogrades, in 2025 there are only 3 of them! Try…
I had to share this: new cell phone plan it is still Verizon but only $25 a month
Since, I am in the business of giving great advice – I felt the urge to share this one with all of you!! This is a Verizon Cell service but only $25 a month per line with all included fees, texts, data, emails – you name it! What do you have to lose? I was in the Verizon store yesterday asking about lowering my bill – you guessed right they said NO way your plan is great. NOT TRUE …. I have been paying $280 a month for years. This is a Verizon service but they do not tell you or me about it. They will lose a fortune if this truly gets out into the real world. What do you have to lose? You gain about $3000 a year in your pocket not Big Business – go for it.