Every year we have Mercury Retrogrades, in 2025 there are only 3 of them! Try…
Messages from deceased relatives
I was doing a reading earlier this week had to share it with you all so you can see how I get the messages for you from your loved ones ….. it was so gratifying this woman lost her husband and she told him in the hospital room before he died to leave dimes laying around to let her know when he was there …. before I called her there was a dime under my chair…..thought nothing of it….then when I called her…he started showing me dimes….piles of them…..she then told me what she said to him the night he died…..she has found like 50 dimes just everywhere at Star bucks getting coffee you name it….he must have told me like 50 things so I could say and prove to her it was him…..he was a real skeptic before he died…..kept wanting to prove he was really there….he was doing a happy dance he could tell her things they are not skeptic anymore either of them on both sides.
These are the kinds of messages and much deeper I can reach to the other side and get just for you.